Weekly Assignments


Git Repository & Website

Assignment #1

  1. Create a github repository for this module

  2. Link to steps

  3. Create a basic website for the module. Your website must meet the following requirements:
    • Hosted on Github
    • Has a navigation (nav) structure
    • Contains an about page
    • Contains separate pages with links for module topics

  4. This website is created with these requirements in mind.


PCB Part 1

Assignment #1

  1. Make an in circuit programmer by milling and stuffing the PCB
  2. Test it

  1. Step 1: Using the given traces and outline, input it into mods to generate the gcode for milling


  3. Step 2: Input the recommended settings into mods to generate the right gcode. Generate gcode.nbm

  4. Step 3: After making sure settings are right, save the gcode

  5. Step 4: [LAB] Using the UCCNC Software, import the gcode. After making sure everything is set (checking the coordinates and center using the sensor, cutter settings and type used), we can begin cutting

  6. Sand the sides and top till smooth (take extra care with the top).
    Peel the unneccessary copper off.

  7. Step 5: [LAB] I then soldered all the parts on. Here is the finished product!


PCB Part 2

Assignment #1

  1. Redraw an echo hello-world board
    • add (at least) a button and an LED (with current limiting resistor)
    • check the design rules (ERC, DRC)
    • make it
    • test it

  1. Step 1: Make a schematic board in Eagle.

  2. Step 2: Then I make the board in Eagle using Route Airwire. It was a trial and error to fit everything in the board nicely.

  3. Final Design

  4. Step 3: Setting the clearance and generating the gcode

  5. GCode

  6. Step 4: [LAB] Input into stepcraft and do the necessary settings and coordinates.

  7. Step 5: [LAB] Start cutting the traces and outline.

  8. Step 6: [LAB] Following the previous PCB making, sand it and then solder the parts together.



Assignment #1

  1. Individual assignment
    • read a microcontroller data sheet
    • program your board to do something,
    • with as many different programming languages and programming environments as possible

  1. Step 1:


WEEK 5 & 6


Assignment #1

  1. Individual assignment
    • make (design+mill+assemble) something big

  1. Step 1: So I decided to make a flatpack table top cabinet.

  2. Step 2: I followed the instructions from the reference link and changed up the different measurements to fit what I had in mind.

  3. Step 2: Then we prepare the model for cutting.

  4. Files

WEEK 7 & 8

Molding & Casting

Assignment #1

  1. Design a mold around the stock and tooling used
    • Must include 3D component in the mold
  2. Mill it (rough cut + (at least) three-axis finish cut)
  3. Use it to cast parts

  • Step 1: I went with a simple geometric shape, a hexagon.

  • Preparing toolpath and files for cutting
