Weekly Assignments


Safety & Tools

Assignment #1

What kind of common tools do I need in my tool-kit?

  1. Claw Hammer
  2. Manual Screwwdriver Set
  3. Cordless Drill
  4. Level (eg. laser level)
  5. Needle-nose Pliers
  6. Tongue-and-Groove Pliers
  7. Allen Wrench Set
  8. Putty Knife
  9. Staple Gun
  10. Digital Tape Measure

Assignment #2

Install Fusion 360 & Text Editor

Fusion 360

This is a CADD (Computer Aided Design & Drafting) tool which allows us to digitally design, envision and simulate our project.

Sublime Text

A text editor is a type of computer program that edits plain text. I have chosen to use Sublime Text, however, there are other text editors like Atom, Brackets, Notepad++ etc.



Assignment #1

Use a text editor to create a simple webpage with the specifications below.

So this was my first webpage I made before this current one you're reading. It was pretty simple without any style or designs yet.


Website Development

Assignment #1

Improving the look of the website

There were 4 ways we could develop our site:

  • HTML & CSS
  • Borrow A Design That Works using HTML & CSS
  • Markdown (Pure Markdown)
  • Jekyll themed site (Using Markdown)

I decided to go with "Borrow A Design That Works using HTML & CSS" to make things easier and quicker.


  • Free to choose desired design
  • Just add content accordingly
  • Need not modify as much


  • Need to understand how each part of the template works
  • Might run into problems with design problems when adding things not in the templates
  • Need knowledge of HTML & CSS

I chose 'The Band' design from the templates that can be found at W3Schools.
It was a simple minimalistic look which I thought is a suitable design for this module.

Here are the differences in the template and the one I modified:

Assignment #2

Upload my website on Git

    Step 1: Create an account on Github & create a repository.

    Step 2: Upload all the relevant HTML and Image files.

    Step 3: To get website link, go to Settings and scroll down. Tada! The link is there.


CAD: Fusion 360 | Photoshop

Assignment #1

Complete the following exercises. Treat each exercise as a new drawing and component.

Assignment 1

Assignment 1

Assignment 2

Assignment 2

Assignment 3

Assignment 3

Exporting Fusion 360 files (.f3d)

Step 1: While in Fusion 360, create a new Project to keep all your files.
Save your Fusion 360 exercise, use an appropriate name e.g. Exercise_01

Step 2: After you have saved your file, click on the File icon at the top and select “Export”

Step 3: Enter filename, check .f3d format, select folder store exported file

Step 4: Link it in your blog and then upload to the repository.

Assignment #2

Install GIMP/Photoshop

Since I already have Photoshop installed and is more familiar with Photoshop, I'll be using Photoshop to edit pictures.

Assignment #3

Use Photoshop to modify a photo by removing the background

Step 1: Open the image in photoshop and duplicate the background so that you can work on editing the image

Step 2: Use the quick selection tool to select the man (to unselect, hold on to 'alt' while selecting)

Step 3: Inverse selection (to select the background) by right clicking while in tool and select inverse

Step 4: After selection, press 'delete' to delete background.
Make sure to also to press the eye beside the background layer to hide the layer.

Step 5: Select inverse again to select the man and copy it

Step 6: Paste it into another file with the chosen background ('ctrl+T' to resize image)

Just export it andddd we are done!

Assignment #4

Design a nametag for your keychain

Assignment #5

Design a fidget spinner using a roller-skate bearing and M8 nuts


3D Modelling

Assignment #1

Design a knight piece and display it on your webpage


Parametric Modelling

Assignment #1

Create your own box design with parameters