A website consists of webpages containing information of what you wish to display or to keep as reference.

List of things covered in this topic

Text Editors

A good text editor should be simple to use and available on a variety of platforms

How to choose a text editor?

  • Produces pure text files
  • What you see must be what you get
  • Simple to use, yet still has powerful editing features
  • Syntax highlighting to show tags/keywords

  • Recommended Text Editors:

  • Sublime Text : popular choice among programmers, not free but has unlimited use time
  • Atom : open-source github project, similar functions to sublime text
  • Brackets : editor tailored for HTML and web production
  • Visual Studio Code : a free Microsoft product which is also used for developing Source code
  • HTML

    All websites are developed using HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language).
    The language describes how the information is to be displayed in a web browser.
    Watch: How a web browser builds and displays a web page

    In order to make the information available on the www, you need the following:

  • A web Server or Service (e.g. github.com)
  • A web page written in HTML (e.g. mypage.html)
  • A web browser at the client (e.g. Google Chrome)

  • What we must be familiar with for this module:

  • HTML - to create and present information
  • CSS - to style the website and makes the website more organised
  • Scripting (eg.Javascript) - to add dynamic content to the information

  • TUTORIALS: Youtube Videos

  • Jake Wright
  • Traversy Media
  • Clever Programmer

  • TUTORIALS: HTML Tutorials & References

  • W3SCHOOLS (which should be used as a Reference Site than a tutorial)
  • Learn HTML Online
  • HTML for Beginners
  • HTML Colour Codes/Names

  • Style

    Developing our websites by making it more pleasing to the eye

    4 ways to develop our website:

    1. HTML & CSS
    2. You start with HTML and write your content, stylise it with CSS to give a consistent look and feel.

      • Advantages:
        1. Simple and can be very basic
        2. Fully in control, can design however you like
      • Disadvantages:
        1. Gets progressively more complicated with more pages
        2. Difficult to maintain consistency
        3. Difficult to get a consistent design look and feel
      • Steps:
        1. Make a simple HTML file with links to your pages.
        2. Use a CSS file to format the layout
        3. Example of a basic website

    3. Borrow a design that works using HTML and CSS
    4. We can find templates up for use or examples and modify it to fit our content and tweak how the website will look.

      • Advantages:
        1. Professional looking, just add the content in
        2. Do not require much modification
      • Disadvantages:
        1. Need understanding of how the site is designed to modify content and look
        2. Requires changes to maintain consistency
        3. Need knowledge of HTML and CSS
      • Steps:
        1. Search online for a HTML/CSS template site of your preference
        2. Copy the template to index.html (text editor) as the starting page
        3. Populate and expand your website
        4. How to use Jake Wright's template

    5. Markdown (Pure Markdown)
    6. Markdown is a light-weight Mark-Up editing language that is good for displaying information. It is ideal for making fast notes, while still maintaining the document very “text-like”. Most documentation sites offer a markdown hosting option.
      Markdown text is first processed by a program (usually python/javascript) into HTML. The HTML is then hosted by the webserver. This process is usually transparent to the user.

      • Advantages:
        1. Very text-like, easy to make notes and add information
        2. Can supplement/substitute with HTML if you need more control
        3. Github allows direct editing on the server.
      • Disadvantages:
        1. Need a hosting service that serves markdown (alternative: MkDocs)
        2. Need to learn Markdown
        3. Website looks very “bare”, “no-frills”, even with themes.
      • Steps:
        1. Create a Markdown file using a text editor or a dedicated Markdown application. The file should have an .md or .markdown extension.
        2. Open the Markdown file in a Markdown application (eg. Github).
        3. Use the Markdown application to convert the Markdown file to an HTML document.
        4. View the HTML file in a web browser or use the Markdown application to convert it to another file format, like PDF.

    7. Jekyll Themed Sites (using Markdown)
    8. Jekyll is a static site generator which converts Markdown together with other instructions to HTML which is then hosted by the server.

      • Advantages:
        1. Easy to edit, information is added using Markdown or HTML
        2. Processing by Jekyll is transparent to the user
        3. Very professional, can change themes
      • Disadvantages:
        1. Need to be hosted on github or a site which can execute Jekyll
        2. Need to understand how each part of the site is created, like solving a puzzle
      • Steps:
        1. I suggest you go to the site below to have a better understanding
        2. Setting up github pages with Jekyll
        3. How to use web-pk for your website


    Javascript can change a website in many ways

    Examples of what Javascript can do:

  • Change HTML content
  • Change HTML attribute values
  • Change HTML styles (CSS)
  • Hide HTML elements
  • Show HTML elements

  • Commonly asked questions:

  • Where do I download javascript?
  • How do I get javascript?
  • Is javascript free?

  • You don't have to get or download javascript. JavaScript is already running in your browser on your computer, on your tablet, and on your smart-phone. Free to use for everyone.

    Do visit professional websites to know more in-depth about Javascript.

  • HTMLDog
  • MDN